Essential steps for starting a garden | better homes & gardens, (in other words, you should start in the fall before spring planting.) cover your future garden with five sheets of newspaper; double that amount if your lawn is bermuda grass or st. augustine grass. spread a 3-inch layer of compost (or combination of potting soil and topsoil) on the newspaper and wait..
Vegetable gardening for beginners: the basics of planting, Here are a few tips for choosing a good site: plant in a sunny location. most vegetables need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. there are a few veggies that will tolerate some shade. plant in moist, well-drained soil. if you have poorly drained soil (water pools), plant veggies in a.
together with take a look at certain shots with many supp liers Pics How to start a garden in planters

Oktober 17, 2020
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